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Our Team
Welcome to our Spine Center! Our staff is dedicated to providing you with the highest care and treatment for your spine-related conditions. From our receptionists to our physicians, we strive to make your experience with us as comfortable and efficient as possible. Thank you for choosing our Spine Center for your healthcare needs.
Clinical Team
Eddie Meirelles, MD, PhD
Neurosurgeon/ Spine Surgeon
Lisa Holmes, RNFA
Surgical Assist
Jeff Follis, CRNA, ARNP

Beau Perry, CRNA, ARNP
Feliz Diaz, CRNA, ARNP

Paul Ford, RT(R)(CT)(MR)AART
Radiology Technologist

Chante Frazier, RN, BSN
Director of Nursing

Kerri Sutton, RN
Surgery Center Nurse

Roxana Zapien, RN, BSN
Surgery Center Nurse

Jacqueline Calderon, CST
Scrub Technologist
Jennifer Russell, MA
Patient Care Coordinator
Administrative Team

Laura Mendoza, BA
Clinic Manager

Erica Bustamante, MHA
Surgery Center Manager
Maricela Velazquez, CMA
Medical Billing Specialist

Melina Rodriguez
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